Patrick richardson the laundry guy book
Patrick richardson the laundry guy book

patrick richardson the laundry guy book

The entire right half of her face seemed to be gone. As to her right eye-she appeared to not have one. And Betty’s left eye was wide open, staring down at the gaping black craters in her arm. Her hair radiated in all directions, a tangled, soaked mass of glistening black. Her lips were parted, showing her front teeth, the mouth fashioned into a half-grin. To get a look at her face, the men had to walk around the ocean of red and black to get closer. It lay in a pool of blood and fluid so thick that the arm appeared to be floating above the linoleum. Her left arm was the first thing they noticed after opening the door. The book had a white cover, which stood out in sharp relief because, in the harsh overhead light that glared off the harvest-gold linoleum, it was one of the few objects in the room not coated in blood. Closer to the center of the room, where the freezer stood against one wall, were two dog-food dishes and a bruised book of Mother Goose nursery rhymes. In one corner were a brand-new toy wagon and a child’s training toilet. It was a small room, no more than twelve feet long by six feet wide, made smaller by the presence of a washer, a dryer, a freezer, and a small cabinet where Betty had kept toys and knickknacks. Few looked at the head at all-the sight was too horrible-so the early reports as to the manner of death were conflicting, and usually wrong. Even those who already knew what lay beyond the utility room door were never bold enough to look more than a moment before closing the door. Without exception, each man who saw the lifeless body of Betty Gore the night of June 13, 1980, reflexively averted his eyes.

Patrick richardson the laundry guy book series#

This story from Texas Monthly’s archives is the first of a two-part series that concludes with “ Love and Death in Silicon Prairie, Part II: The Killing of Betty Gore.” We have left it as it was originally published, without updating, to maintain a clear historical record.

Patrick richardson the laundry guy book