Susan M of Tallahassee, FL asks: How come the DualDisc doesn’t contain the video for “White & Nerdy”? It’s a fantastic disc, a fantastic song, and a fantastic video I just don’t understand why there are lots of other (great) videos but not that one. As always, you should use your best judgment as a parent, but if your child wouldn’t be traumatized by, say, an issue of MAD Magazine or an episode of The Simpsons, I’m pretty sure he or she wouldn’t have any problems at all with my live show.

You should be aware there is some cartoon violence and a little bit of what some people might call “adult themes.” But there’s no harsh profanity, and nothing that I think you would find terribly offensive. And we do put on a “family-friendly” show… although that doesn’t mean it’s a squeaky-clean G-rated kiddie show. I see every demographic in the audience at my live shows, from toddlers to geriatrics. Meg of Skokie, IL asks: Al, how appropriate or inappropriate is the tour material in terms of a 10-yr-old? It’s now made the top of the birthday list, and as a parent, while I’d love to see the tour, I need to know about kids…? Thank you very much! You could also read the entire Archive, in which case you get an A for effort! Or, you can select a specific month’s Q&A’s from the list below. In lieu of a proper search engine (Hey, this is …not !) we invite you to use your browser’s “find” feature to search the Q&A’s for specific keywords for the topics you’re interested in.

Welcome to the Ask Al Archive… all of the Ask Al’s ever asked and answered, both on and in The Midnight Star (an unofficial fanzine from 1993 through 1998.) Please keep in mind that some of the answers which were relevant at the time they were given will seem quite “dated” now and may possibly be inaccurate.