The function now issues an error if the step size is zero. Also, an iteration value x very close to zero will now be set to zero if |x| import factory Numeric `for` loops with fractional step size counted wrong in the interval if the number of fractional places in the start value was greater than those in the step size. An alias has been provided for backward compatibility. The auxiliary C API function `agnL_createpairofnumbers` has been deprecated, use `agn_createpairnumbers` instead. Some `calc` functions programmed in C have been hardened against stack corruption. The C API function `agn_createpairnumbers` has now been documented and hardened against stack corruption. The factories produced by `calc.nakspline` and `calc.clampedspline` have become 6.6 and 8.8 times faster, respectively. `calc.interp` when called with only a table of interpolation points now returns a factory that is 3.5 times faster, and `calc.neville` returns a factory almost twice as fast as before. `math.ndigits` sometimes went into an infinite loop in some situations when counting fractional digits.

The `environ.kernel/foradjust` setting now only controls whether an iteration value close to zero will be set to zero and is set to `true` by default. This sometimes could do more harm than good and the feature has been removed. Numeric `for` loops with fractional step sizes by default adjusted the loop control variable in the range. The new C API function `agn_structinsert` inserts an element into a table, set, sequence or register. The new C API function `lua_reginsert` inserts an element at the first slot that is currently `null`. `multiple` printed debugging information on screen. The `size`, `in`, `notin`, `zero`, `nonzero`, `empty` and `filled` operators now accept procedures as input so that the respective metamethods can be invoked if available.
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